He who knows himself is learned, he who knows others is wise. Lao Tse
Do you know your communication style? What about your leadership style? Do you communicate so that others “hear” you or do you sometimes feel that you are speaking a foreign language and no-one understands what you say? We understand.
Over the years we’ve learned that many of the leaders we coached were not aware of their own communication style or their leadership style. They also were not aware of the impact that their style had on others. The ability to interact effectively with people may be the difference between success or failure in leadership.
To increase awareness, we offer a variety of online assessments, including the following:
– Myers Briggs Style Indicator, also called the MBTI
– DISC & Values Inventories
– iOpt Assessments
– Platinum Rule
We also offer various 360 degree assessments to receive feedback on how you are perceived by others:
– The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) is based on the book, The Leadership Challenge, by Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner and is published by Wiley/Pfeiffer. We believe the LPI is one of the most effective 360 assessments because it is available online and easy to use. As a Pfeiffer Partner, we are pleased to provide you with more information about the five practices for exemplary leadership.
– Lominger Voices© 360
– Booth’s Clark Wilson Task Cycle 360 for Leaders & Executives
Indepth Leadership Development Effectiveness programs include a variety of online assessments, a 360 degree assess and our customized proprietary “Talking Mirror” Assessment & Program. Why is this program so valuable? During the climb up the corporate ladder, most leaders are not told about the impact of their communication or leadership style on others. They don’t know if their style can either positively or negatively impact their careers.
Sage Leadership Strategies help leaders learn about the best strategies to accelerate their career and avoid career-stopping pitfalls along the way.
Benefits of Incorporating Assessments in Leadership/Team Development
- Improve your leadership skills and become a better leader
- Increase productivity for yourself and team members
- Hold more effective meetings when you know, “Secrets of the Styles”
- Watch your teams work together with ease and synergy
- Retain the right talent through customized reinforcement strategies
- Help your employees develop and grow
Online Access
We created the Sage Assessment Center Online™ (SACO™) as a service to provide access to assessments via the internet 24/7.
Participants respond to an online questionnaire and the reports are delivered automatically without any additional administration time. Because of the ease of use, SACO™ is a perfect choice for organizations who are interested in achieving better results through team development.
For Example: suppose you want to complete a communication style assessment. Here are the steps you’d go through. First, you would complete the online assessment to learn about your own communication style. We’d talk with you about how your style works well and how it might get in the way of your success with others. Next, we would talk about the people on your team. We’d look at their styles, how those styles compare to yours and discus ways to adapt your style to theirs. It’s sort of like learning to speak a new language. Then, we’d coach you on ways to get the most out of your style without feeling that you are “faking it.”
Need more information? Call us at 800-509-6823. We’ll help you decide which assessment(s) best meet your circumstance.