Executive Onboarding
We are sometimes asked, “Executive Onboarding, what is that?”
As a leader, senior manager or executive, take a step back in time and think about your first few days (or months) in your new role. Remember what it was like?
Regardless if you were a seasoned executive hired into an organization or had been newly promoted, invariably there were those first few days when you wondered what you’d gotten yourself into. We recently asked some leaders about their first few days in a new role and they chuckled.
One executive commented, “I remember being watched (intensely) by my staff. It was as though they were weighing whether to trust me or not. Some people were hesitant to talk to me and it seemed like others were testing me. Glad I don’t have to go through that again.”
Well, guess what? Every new leader goes through the same process!
Recent research has shown that nearly 50% of newly hired (or promoted) executives are not successful. While it can be lonely at the top, it doesn’t have be that way. Because Executive Onboarding can make a difference.
So what is Executive Onboarding? It’s the process of rapidly and effectively assimilating leaders into their new roles (whether they come from outside or inside the organization) while accelerating performance for themselves and the members of their team.
We provide Executive Onboarding services to organizations of all sizes, including non-profits. Call us for more information (480-515-5511), or access some of our resources below:
Executive Onboarding Article in LeadingAge Magazine January 2011
SAGE Leaders’ Onboarding Recommendations
Our White Paper on building a solid team (click on the graphic)