Coaching Skills & Coaching Cultures
Do you want your managers to develop their coaching skills? Or to create an internal coaching program for your organization? Want to create a coaching culture, but don’t know how? Sylva and her business partner, Dr. Vikki Brock, have worked with organizations to bring coaching “in house” by training people to develop their coaching skills, become internal coaches, and to implement large scale programs to create cultures which incorporate coaching as an instrument of change.
Sylva is on the faculty of the College of Executive Coaching where she mentors newer coaches and leaders in HR and Training departments in organizations. She offers a custom designed program for developing coaching skills for managers and leaders. That program is called, Coaching CUES.
Dr. Vikki Brock is a Certified Mentor Coach. She was awarded the Certified Mentor Coach designation in 1998, which means she has the skill and experience in teaching/training other coaches to coach. This designation is awarded to coaches who have demonstrated their ability to assist coaches in their professional and practice development needs, and have met certain basic requirements. This is the heart of mentor coaching and requires the ability to transfer the technology and skills. Vikki also holds the Professional Mentor Certification (PMC) from CoachInc. Vikki has worked with more than one hundred people to attain their coaching certification through the International Coach Federation. She was also the head of the Credentialing Committee for the ICF to ensure that coaching schools meet the ICF core competencies.